University Supervisors

EIA is looking for university supervisors who will travel with the student team over the summer to provide support and guidance during their stay in-country, as well as ensure that the conduct of the team reflects on Cornell University values during all of their activities abroad.

Cornell University requires that Supervisors:

- Have graduated from a four-year undergraduate degree program from Cornell University or another reputable institution by the date of travel
- Are willing and able to travel with the team for at least 2 weeks.

Cornell University prefers Supervisors that have experience (but not required) in some or all the following areas:

- Traveling abroad, particularly to developing countries
- Living outdoors/camping/hiking/adventuring
- Working and living with small teams
- Construction and general building practices

If you are interested in becoming a supervisor see the university supervisors information packet from 2020. The packet for summer 2022 will be located here once it has been compiled.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are university supervisors and what do they do?

Cornell University requires the EIA travel team to travel with university supervisors who will provide support and guidance during the stay in-country.Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to, providing the university with daily updates, managing risk on and off site, etc. More details can be found in the University Supervisors Informational Packet.

Are university supervisors hired?

Yes, university supervisors are hired through the university. Compensation will be worked out on a case-by-case basis, and details can be found in the informational packet.

Who are the people university supervisors work with?

University supervisors will be working with 8 to 9 of Cornell EIA team members, university faculty, and other relevant EIA staff. Before traveling, the supervisors will meet with the team members to discuss expectations and roles.

How do university supervisors get to site? How is the transportation organized?

The logistics manager will organize the transportation details and personally get in touch with the university supervisors. All transportation fees will be paid for by the university.